Since receiving the news that I
was cleared to leave a little more than a week ago, I've encountered very
upsetting and very uplifting news! The bad news was that I would have to wait
three more weeks for the next transfer before my mission president wanted me in
the field. The good news though is that they're sending me to the Sao Paulo MTC
for my last two weeks, so I'm still leaving for Brazil!! Yaaaayyy! I'm
leaving!! For Brazil! I'm flying to Atlanta tomorrow morning and leaving for
Sao Paulo tomorrow night and getting there Wednesday morning! I'm seriously too
excited. I can't process it.
So yes, about the rest of my
week. Neil L. Andersen came to our last Tuesday night devotional and spoke, so
that was really cool! He talked about the relationship between sacrifice and
love; how we sacrifice for the things that we love, and also how our love grows
for the things we sacrifice for. He talked about how the Atonement was the greatest
act of both love and sacrifice by both the Father and the Son, and how we can
show our love for them by the sacrifices we make to obey them. The only thing
we have that is totally ours to give them in return for the Atonement that is
not already loaned from God is our agency (time, money, talents, etc. are all
things he can give and take, but he will never take our agency). It was an
excellent talk, and the more I think about this concept and how it relates to
agency and obedience and the nature of God, the more insights I get!
My district got reassignments
on Thursday as well! One of my companions, Sister Jackson, is going to
CINCINNATI OHIO!! I told her it's the best mission in the world, behind Santa
Maria. ;) So keep your eye out for her! She's a ton of fun, and a great
missionary! My other companion Sister Russell left for Macon, Georgia this
morning! It's so exciting watching everyone go out, especially knowing that my
time is fast approaching!
The other most exciting thing
that happened to me this week is that an elder in my district, Elder Cobb,
wrote me a poem about cats!!! I personally think it's a masterpiece, so I
attached a picture of it. :)
I love you all! I'll email you
next week from Brazil!! :D Ate mais! Tchau!
Sister Gold
Sister Gold

District 70E and Branch Presidency and wives (Sister Jackson
is sitting next to me, Sister Russell next to her)

Literary genius. About cats.
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