Well, I've been at the MTC seven weeks now! One week longer than I was supposed to be here. I had to switch districts, and that was pretty hard because I was so close with my old district, but my new one is awesome. And I love my new tripanionship! Sister Tingey and Sister Colvin are awesome (see attached pictures), and they're great missionaries. I've learned a lot during this last week here, so I'm grateful for all the skills I've been able to develop that I'll get to use in my work in Brazil!! I'm so excited to get there!!!!
Please keep me in your prayers these next few days as I go to the doctor on Friday to see if I'm all set to leave the country! I am so ready to get to Brazil and teach people there! I want to be there so badly right now! The MTC is great, but I'm not sure how many more times I'd be able to handle switching districts and repeating the same lessons I had my last two weeks...
So some exciting news: I got to go to the temple today!! The Provo temple has been closed for construction since a few days before I got here, and it finally opened last Monday, so my district got to go today! It was awesome. I love the temple so much. It's definitely the greatest place on earth.
Tchau tchau!
Tudo meu amor,
Sister Gold

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